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Создана: 19 Апреля 2005 Втр 12:53:06.
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К примеру в данный момент в моем седюке крутиться
Jonathan Lisle - Os_0.2
Список внешних ссылок, приводивших на эту тему форума (04.12.2007/1001 ссылка)A simple tooltip -
IIo-Is It Love?
Кстати ни у кого нет версии Криса Ортеги на эту песню? plz))
i never knew a love
a love that could be sweeter
no matter what my mind says
your music gives me feeling
the moment that we danced
your arms feel like a cradle
and when you take my hand
i was no longer able
love never felt so right before
i need to be with you much more
i cant believe this kind of fate
we can runaway
is it love...(x14)
Im always in a spell
even when im sleeping
youre always on my mind
i hope that im not dreaming
if i had let me stay asleep
dont wake me up but feel complete
i never want to feel it end
what a lovely moment
is it love...(x14)
I want to give you my love all the time (all the time)
i want to make love to you all the time (all the time)
i want to be right next to you all the time (all the time)
i want to be in love with you all the time (all the time)
is it love...(x14)
Love -