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Создана: 29 Января 2007 Пон 23:03:34.
Раздел: "Компьютерный раздел"
Сообщений в теме: 6, просмотров: 1621
DivX Create Bundle v6.5
High Definition
The DivX Codec takes the power of advanced digital video compression to the next level, encoding video at resolutions up to high-definition 1920 x 1080. That's right, you heard it straight: 1080i and 1080p, at a fraction of the file size. What more can we say? Wait, we almost forgot, there is more. Read on, dear friend, for a list of DivX Codec features.
Compress digital video 5 to 10 times more than MPEG-2/DVD format and hundreds of times over raw digital video
Encode high-definition (HD) video at resolutions up to 1080p
Maximized performance for all HyperThreaded, dual core and dual CPU (SMP) systems
Improved support for interlaced video
Six carefully optimized encoding modes for balancing visual quality and performance
Automated noise reduction reduces grain and low-light noise (common with DV cameras) without significantly degrading the video
New Features in the latest DivX Codec
Get better picture quality from MPEG-2 and live capture sources thanks to support for native PAL and NTSC pixel aspect ratios
Support for two new mobile video profiles
Experience lower CPU use or better deblocking during playback thanks to a 10% increase in decoder performance
Get it here! -
Mainconcept MPEGPro HDV 2.0 - это кодек для Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 пережмёт в чё хошь. Хоть в HDV. Сам в HDV не пережимал, а вот в MPEG2 замечательно получается. Плюс куча настроек. [внешняя ссылка]