"Sar Wars" для программеров...
Создана: 16 Июля 2002 Втр 18:15:00.
Раздел: "Флейм"
Сообщений в теме: 4, просмотров: 1304
interface ICreature {
int hands = 2;
interface IJedai : ICreature {
bool Fight(BadGuy *who) {
return true;
void SliceHand(ICreature *who) {
ICreature* virtual Fuck(ICreature *who) {
if (typeof(who)!=typeof(IBadGuy)) return null;
else {
return null;
BadGuy *goOnDarkSide() {
newGuy = new BadGuy(this);
delete this;
this = newGuy;
return this;
class BadGuy : ICreature {
bool Fight(IJedai *who) {
return false;
class SkyWalker : IJedai {
friend class Senator;
ICreature* father, mother;
SkyWalker(_father, _mother) {
father = _father;
mother = _mother;
ICreature* virtual Fuck(ICreature *who) {
if (typeof(who)==typeof(IFuckable)) {
return who.makeChildFrom(this);
else {
return null;
class Энокен : SkyWalker {
friend class Padme;
ICreature* virtual Fuck(ICreature *who) {
if (typeof(who)==typeof(Padme)) {
ICreature* offspring = who.makeChildFrom(this);
do {
} while (handCount >= 2);
Confess(offspring, "I'm your father");
delete this;
return offspring;
} else {
return IJedai::Fuck(who);
class Yoda : IJedai {
void Main() {
if (seriesCount == 5) {
delete this;
class Luk : SkyWalker {
IUnknown *father;
ICreature *mother;
Luk(_father, _mother) : SkyWalker(_father, _mother) {
Confess(ICreature who, char *speech) {
if (speech=="I'm your father") {
Luk::father = who;
Wonder("wow, what a surprise");
} LukSkywalker;
class Padme extends Senator implements IFuckable {
ICreature *makeChildFrom(ICreature who) {
if (who==Энокен) {
return new Luk(who, this);
(с) [внешняя ссылка] -
F:\java>javac -Xstdout compile.log Yoda.java
Yoda.java:3: illegal start of type
Yoda.java:4: <identifier> expected
int hands = 2;
Yoda.java:7: '{' expected
interface IJedai : ICreature
Yoda.java:39: '{' expected
class BadGuy : ICreature
Yoda.java:47: '{' expected
class SkyWalker : IJedai
Yoda.java:49: '{' expected
friend class Senator;
Yoda.java:51: illegal start of type
private: ICreature* father, mother;
Yoda.java:51: <identifier> expected
private: ICreature* father, mother;
Yoda.java:53: illegal start of type
Yoda.java:71: <identifier> expected
Yoda.java:74: '{' expected
class Anokin : SkyWalker
Yoda.java:76: '{' expected
friend class Padme;
Yoda.java:77: <identifier> expected
ICreature* virtual Fuck(ICreature *who)
Yoda.java:97: ';' expected
Yoda.java:100: '{' expected
class Yoda : IJedai
Yoda.java:111: '{' expected
class Luk : SkyWalker
Yoda.java:133: <identifier> expected
ICreature *makeChildFrom(ICreature who)
Yoda.java:139: ';' expected
Yoda.java:140: '}' expected
Yoda.java:131: cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class IFuckable
location: class IJedai.BadGuy.SkyWalker.Anokin.Yoda.Luk.Padme
class Padme extends Senator implements IFuckable
20 errors -