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Создана: 19 Апреля 2005 Втр 12:53:06.
Раздел: "Музыка"
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К примеру в данный момент в моем седюке крутиться
Jonathan Lisle - Os_0.2
Список внешних ссылок, приводивших на эту тему форума (04.12.2007/1001 ссылка)A simple tooltip -
I'm a rambler and a gambler, I'm a long way from my home
If the people don't like me, they can leave me alone
Come sit down beside me, come sit down right here
Come sit down long you want to, love you always to hear
When you get to Wyoming, a letter you'll see
If you get into trouble, just you write after me
For I once had a lover, Her age was 16
She's a flower of Belton, and a rose of Seline
Her parents was against me, now she is the same
If I've writ on your book, love, just you blot out my name
Oh, there's changes in the ocean, there's changes in the sea
There's changes in my true love, ain't no change in me -